Security for You
Peace of mind, anytime, anywhere!
Service Description
RESPONSE TIMES ARE DOWN, CRIME IS UP AND RISING, TAKE CONTROL WITH S4 S4U Plan is a bespoke, user friendly application. This is designed to send us immediate alerts which enables us, as a company, to provide you with your very own 24/7 rapid response security. A fully trained Security Guard will be with you within minutes to ensure your safety. Alerts can be triggered by simply tapping a button or calling for help to your smart speaker. Very few things in life are as concerning than an imminent break in. By being a 'S4U' customer you have the extra peace of mind when you have sent an SOS via an app linked direct to our Response Unit that will be on route instantly. **All applicants for this service must have a smartphone Once our officers arrive they will employ the situational skills provided by their professional training and will act accordingly in dealing with the situation at hand. BENEFITS OF 'S4U' - 60% Off for students - Faster Response than Police - Deters Criminals - Deters Anti-Social behaviour - Guaranteed response - Potential lower Insurance premiums - Highly Effective | Low Cost - First Aid Trained Responders 24 hours a day protective response service. Award winning security services you can rely on. SIA licenced, full vetting and screening (BS7858:2019) and expertly trained security staff. WE ARE REINVETING SECURITY FOR THE NEW ERA... S4U by K&S is a specialised security response service aimed at filling the gap left by the diminishing police response times, in addition to this, all our security officers are trained in providing first aid and are able to respond in an emergency and can be active until paramedics arrive, all for extra peace of mind. K&S believe that in the times we are in, with rising poverty, crime and lower police response times, that businesses, residents and individuals should have a means to take control of their own safety and security. We do not believe that peace of mind private security should be for the wealthy and so called elites, therefore we have devised a way to provide up to 24/7 security response to householders at a cost less than most would spend on a takeaway. With this in mind we have created S4U. *This Service is currently running only in Loughborough
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Contact Details
Loughborough, UK